Friday 1 May 2015

Best Conversation Killers

Best Conversation Killers.

5. "You Seem Busy, We can talk later." 

Busy texts

When a Guy sends you this, most probably he himself is busy and want to end conversation if replies are not frequent or important.

When a girl sends you this then most probably she is only chatting with you but again if the replies are not frequent then she can indulge herself in other stuffs after this text.

4."BrB(Be Right Back)"

People there is nothing such as BrB in this era. If a person says BRB then most probably they are going offline for long time without saying it straightforward.


When a person starts Humming..there is no way you can pull off conversation with them for long, they will hum you off the chat in no time. It's one of the indicators that other person no longer is interested in your talks.



The other person has no soul. Don't talk to them ever.

1. *SEEN* and No Reply


Call them and tell them that Friendship is over.

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