Friday 8 May 2015

Learn from the Technical Legend, Steve Jobs.

He was one of "THE" kind with perfection as his biggest virtue.
 His ideas and technology shattered his opponents and inspired millions people to think different and The best.
For most of you who don't know much about  Late Steve jobs, this is a little guide and also contain the best teachings by him which will definitely help you to tackle major decisions in your Life.

Jobs was always "Man of Creativity" and Lets  Begin with what he wanted Us to Learn?

Lesson 1: Don't do it for money, Do it for love.

Did you know Steve's annual salary was only $1 per year after he rejoined Apple.
Yes, its the exact figure so easy to remember, though he had shares in apple and other companies but for his services he only asked for $1 per year.

  • Most of the people chase money and end up falling short on innovations,uniqueness and the special edge which are the bullet points for any entrepreneur to succeed.

Don't Run for money, run after What you love to do. Its essential that you put your efforts into your interests because there you can flourish your creativity and unique ideas which will give you the cutting edge over others.
If you will stay creative than you will always come up with new ideas and you will never run out of business and i don't think i have to state that if you don't run out of business than you will never run out of money too. So cheers, do what you love, stay creative and stay rich.

Lesson 2: Stay away from corrupting thoughts and people.

Steve Left Apple and traveled all around the world for peace and silence, No, not on world tour but due to such high pressures and panic environment. Its not weird to take a break because when you work in highly integrated companies and if you are Luckily its CEO then it takes a lot of effort to bring up team of enthusiasts rather than illegal smart asses. It takes a lot of mind and effort to build the best team on which you can rely on, so you must choose your employees wisely.
Corruption destroys your mentality and divert your mind from success. People who often follow corrupted techniques will make your enterprise weak and unhealthy. You must get rid of such people so that you can stay focused and follow the right ways to achieve your goals and build a stable association.

Lesson 3: Get into the Shoes of people you want to target.

Steve traveled, he went to places, learned things, experienced the problems of a normal person and then gave them the technology which they cherished. Sometimes being imaginative we forget what the people actually thrive for, you can't sell gold chains to the people who are starving to death. You must get into the same conditions and live the life of people you are targeting so that you could understand what will work and what will not.
It is often seen that even the strongest strategist fail and even the simplest succeed.
Understand the customer!

Lesson 4: Don't only Play the Game, Be the Game.

There was a time when apple was about to shut down and now we live in the time where Apple controls or lets say bullies the market of computers and mobiles.
You have to take over the minds of the people, you may start as a Rookie today but if you only wish to win the current race then yes one fine day you will but if you wish to own the whole damn business, you win every day. You may fall a bit but when you will get the nerve then only one success is enough for lifetime.
Quality, hard work and Groundwork(Planning) must be rock solid if you want to be the Game!

Lesson 5: Make your work affordable.

Earlier Apple produced their goods at very high rates, it was impossible for the middle class person to buy an Apple product in earlier years, but then Steve jobs launched the new I-pod at rates which left the competitions far behind and reduced the prices of i-phones too. The new price was neither too high, nor too low, It was the RIGHT PRICE.
He wanted Apple to be a standard for other mobile phones to match through his technology and not price.
Always keep the price practical, don't be greedy, no once do business with greedy people.

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